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Unconventional Christmas 
Newsletters 1981-1997

The Unfunny Ones

1981.pdf – first attempt at humor in this genre.

1982.pdf – second attempt, this one in rhyme.

1983.pdf – third attempt, set to famous nursery rhymes.

1984.pdf – fourth accompanied by staged attempts at humorous pictures of family members.

The Artistic Ones

1987.pdf – this one featured a collage of clippings with themes from the year.

1990.pdf – featured cartoons by a friend of family members in poses from the year’s events.

1991.pdf – featured retro-future narration story lettered by hand by me in calligraphy.

1994.pdf – featured works of the masters skillfully altered in the best Soviet style to appear to have used family members for the painter models.  Some less than perfect Copper Plate Calligraphy is also there.

The Creative Ones

1986.pdf – this one was written in the manner of a newspaper.

1989.pdf – written in the guise of a play.

1995.pdf – the 3 ½ year old niece supposedly wrote this one with her crayons.

1997.pdf – to honor the crossword loving matriarch of the family this one featured a real working crossword puzzle with clues in the narrative.

The Funny (and Creative) Ones

1985.pdf – fifth attempt and a break out year.  This was done in the style of a social sciences scientific paper

1988.pdf – funny one in the manner of cooking recipes.

1996.pdf – the whole family became outlaws just before this one, and these are the wanted posters stolen from the local post office.

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